1. 李德才著,磁性液体:神奇而有趣的材料,北京:清华大学出版社,2023.
2. 李德才著,神奇的磁性液体,北京:科学出版社,2016.
3. 李德才著,磁性液体密封理论及应用,北京:科学出版社,2010.
4. 李德才著,磁性液体理论及应用,北京:科学出版社,2003.
5. 王大康,李德才主编,机械设计基础(第4版),北京:机械工业出版社,2020.
6. 李德才参编,机械设计,北京:中国铁道出版社,2016.
7. 李德才参编,机械原理教学辅导与习题解答,北京:科学出版社2010.
8. 李德才参编,机械原理,北京:科学出版社2010.
9. 李德才参编,功能材料词典,北京:科学出版社,2002.
李德才教授发表EI论文258篇,Web of Science收录299篇,其中ESI高被引论文5篇。部分代表性论文如下:
[1] Li D, Li Y, Li Z, et al. Theory analyses and applications of magnetic fluids in sealing[J]. Friction, 2023: 1-23.
[2] Li Y, Han P, Li D, et al. Typical dampers and energy harvesters based on characteristics of ferrofluids[J]. Friction, 2023, 11(2): 165-186.
[3] Chen S, Li D. Control of Magnetic Particle Size in Ferrofluid and Its Effect on Rheological Properties[J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2022, 35(1): 1-9.
[4] Cheng Y, Li D, Li Z. Influence of rheological properties on the starting torque of magnetic fluid seal[J]. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2021, 57(3): 1-8.
[5] Hu Y, Li D, He Q. Generalized conservative phase field model and its lattice Boltzmann scheme for multicomponent multiphase flows[J]. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2020, 132: 103432.
[6] Hu Y, Li D, Jin L, et al. Hybrid Allen-Cahn-based lattice Boltzmann model for incompressible two-phase flows: The reduction of numerical dispersion[J]. Physical Review E, 2019, 99(2): 023302.
[7] Jin L, Li D, Zhang X. Mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of a new thermal energy storage system using thermo‐sensitive magnetic fluid in porous medium[J]. Energy Storage, 2019, 1(3): e34.
[8] Li Z, Li D, Cui H, et al. Influence of the carrier fluid viscosity on the rotational and oscillatory rheological properties of ferrofluids[J]. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2019, 19(9): 5572-5581.
[9] Chen Y, Li D, Li Z, et al. Numerical analysis on boundary and flow regime of magnetic fluid in the sealing clearance with a rotation shaft[J]. IEEE Transactions on magnetics, 2018, 55(2): 1-7.
[10] Hu Y, Li D, Niu X. Phase-field-based lattice Boltzmann model for multiphase ferrofluid flows[J]. Physical Review E, 2018, 98(3): 033301.
[11] Chen Y, Li D, Zhang Y, et al. Numerical analysis and experimental study on magnetic fluid reciprocating seals[J]. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2018, 55(1): 1-6.
[12] Zhang Y, Li D, Chen Y, et al. A comparative study of ferrofluid seal and magnetorheological fluid seal[J]. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2018, 54(12): 1-7.
[13] Wang H, Li D, He X, et al. Performance of the ferrofluid seal with gas isolation device for sealing liquids[J]. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2018, 57(1): 107-122.
[14] Li Z, Li D, Hao D, et al. Study on the creep and recovery behaviors of ferrofluids[J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2017, 26(10): 105022.
[15] Wang Z, Li D. Theoretical analysis and experimental study on loading process among stages of magnetic fluid seal[J]. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2015, 48(1): 101-110.
[16] Decai Li, Haiping Xu, Xinzhi He, Huiqing Lan. Study on the magnetic fluid sealing for dry Roots pump[J]. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2005, 289: 419-422.
[17] 韩顺涛,李子贤,李德才,马秀清.针对液体介质的磁性液体旋转密封技术概述摆闯闭.润滑与密封,2023,48(03):1-9.
[18] 张彤,李德才,李艳文.磁性液体密封与迷宫密封组合密封的结构设计及优化摆闯闭.机械工程学报,2022,58(09):172-181.
[19] 刘嘉伟,李德才.基于无齿极靴结构的磁性液体密封耐压仿真分析摆闯闭.磁性材料及器件,2022,53(05):45-51.
[20] 何新智,王志斌,李德才.屈服应力对磁性液体密封启动扭矩的影响摆闯闭.兵工学报,2022,43(04):892-898.
[21] 李德才,郝都.磁性液体旋转密封的关键问题研究进展摆闯闭.真空科学与技术学报,2018,38(07):564-574.
[1] 李德才,任思杰,韩鹏栋,李英松. 机械密封与磁性液体密封组合的密封装置[P]. ZL 202110426387.7, 2023-04-25.
[2] 李德才,聂世琳. 一种耐低温全氟聚醚基磁性液体及其制备方法[P]. ZL 202210777827.8, 2023-04-07.
[3] 李德才,李世聪. 带有表面织构的磁性液体密封装置[P]. ZL 202111467942.7, 2023-03-10.
[4] 李德才,李子贤. 带有冷却系统的磁性液体密封装置[P]. ZL 202111592697.2, 2023-02-21.
[5] 李德才,陈思宇. 磁性液体密封装置[P]. ZL 202011344528.2, 2022-09-23.
[6] 李德才,李世聪. 磁性液体密封与动压轴承组合式密封装置[P]. ZL 202111161306.1, 2022-09-20.
[7] 李德才,陈诺. 密封间隙内磁性液体分布状态的检测系统和方法[P]. ZL 202011179705.6, 2022-08-02.
[8] 李德才,杨纪显. 磁液自补充的磁性液体密封装置[P]. ZL202110454457.X, 2022-07-05.
[9] 李德才,韩鹏栋,李英松,任思杰. 用于研究磁性液体悬浮特性及浮力测量的实验装置[P]. ZL 202110602644.8, 2022-07-05.
[10] 李德才,赵文曦,李子贤. 磁性液体隔热密封装置[P]. ZL 202110309294.6, 2022-06-03.
[11] 李德才,刘霄. 用于密封液体介质的磁性液体密封装置[P]. ZL202110336402.9, 2021-10-26.
[12] 李德才,李倩,高志. 磁性液体密封装置的外壳以及搅拌釜/反应釜[P]. ZL 202010948324.3, 2021-05-11.
[13] 李德才,李艳文,陈思宇. 用磁性液体润滑密封的链节和具有其的链条[P]. ZL 202011173662.0, 2021-07-20.
[14] 李德才,韩鹏栋,李倩,李英松,任思杰. 基于一阶和二阶浮力原理的磁性液体阻尼减振器[P]. ZL 202011144774.3, 2021-08-17.
[15] 李德才,李艳文,任思杰. 磁性液体阻尼减振器[P]. ZL 202011141999.3, 2021-04-27.
[16] 李德才,刘霄,李泽鹏. 磁性液体密封装置[P]. ZL 202011133474.5, 2021-01-05.
[17] Decai Li, Xiao Liu. Magnetic fluid sealing device for sealing fluid medium[P]. US11415226B1, 2022-08-16.
[18] Decai Li, Rui Sun, Qian Li. Capillary magnetic-liquid sealing device[P]. US11300211B2, 2022-04-12.
[19] Decai Li, Nuo Chen. Detection system and method for distribution state of magnetic fluid in sealing gap[P]. US11287394B1, 2022-03-29.
[20] Decai Li, Yanwen Li, Sijie Ren. Magnetic liquid damping shock absorber[P]. US11365779B2, 2022-06-21.
[21] Decai Li, Jixian Yang, Yuming Wang. Ferrofluidic seal device[P]. JP6912138B1, 2021-07-28.