2017/07-至今, 果冻九一麻花,副教授
2012/09-2014/12, 果冻九一麻花, 助理研究员
2011/09-2012/09, 清华大学精密仪器与机械学系, 助理研究员
2010/08-2011/09, 以色列魏兹曼科学院, 博士后
[1]Origins of hydration lubrication, Ma LR, Gaisinskaya-Kipnis A, Kampf N, Klein J*, Nature Communications, 2015, 6: 6060
[2]Hydration lubrication: exploring a new paradigm, Gaisinskaya A&, Ma LR&, Silbert G, Sorkin R, Tairy O, Goldberg R, Kampf N, Klein J*, Faraday Discussions, 2012, 156: 217
[3]Reemulsification effect on the film formation of O/W emulsion, Ma LR*, Xu XF, Zhang CH, Luo JB, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2014, 417: 238
[4]Direct observation of the formation and destruction of the inverted continuous oil phase in the micro-outlet region achieved by the confined diluted O/W emulsion stream, Ma LR*, Xu XF, Zhang CH, Luo JB, Soft Matter, 2014, 10: 7946
[5]Tip-induced nanoreactor for silicate, GaoM, Ma LR*, Liang Y, Gao Y, Luo JB*, Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 14039
[6]Triboluminescence dominated by crystallographic orientation,WangKF, MaLR*, Xu XF, Wen SZ, Luo JB, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 26324
[7]Frictional dissipation pathways mediated by hydrated alkali metal ions, Gaisinskaya-KipnisA, Ma LR, Kampf N, Klein J*, Langmuir, 2016, 32(19): 4755
[8]Effect of alkyl chain length on the orientational behavior of liquid crystals nano-Film, Gao M, Ma LR*, Luo JB*, Tribology Letters, 2016, 62(2): 24
[9]Friction anisotropy induced by oriented liquid crystal molecules, GaoY, MaLR*, Luo JB*, Tribology Letters, 2016, 61(3): 27
[10]The film forming behavior at high speeds under oil?air lubrication, Liang H, Guo D, Ma L, Luo JB*, Tribology international, 2015, 91: 6